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Case Studies
$0.8 Million
in Annual Savings
Reduction in Accident Costs
Sleep increase post-training

Case Study: Addressing Turnover at a Large US Manufacturer

Case Study: Addressing Turnover at a Large US Manufacturer

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OVERVIEW: Learn how CIRCADIAN helped a major U.S. manufacturing plant that was struggling with employee turnover revamp its operational landscape to:

1. Realize a whopping 40% reduction in employee turnover.

2. Stablize their workforce and improve morale and safety.

3. Unlock $3.8 million in annual savings.  

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The Case Study provides a detailed overview of the client's operational challenge and their decision to partner with CIRCADIAN to conduct an employee-driven Shift Schedule Optimization Process.

KEY TAKEAWAYS: Because work schedules affect nearly every aspect of an employee's work and family life, the value of a properly determined shift schedule can have a significant ROI, including improved recruiting and retention of personnel, operational productivity and health and safety of your personnel.

Click to reveal insights and strategies that will help you redefine your approach toward shift scheduling and employee engagement.


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